Opening hours telephone

GP practice H. Boelhouwer can be reached by telephone Monday until Friday from 08.00 until 17.00 hours (with the exception of Wednesday afternoon) via number: 0297 255 662

When you call us you will hear a selection menu:

  • in case of an emergency situation, choose option 1
  • to speak to an employee, choose option 2
  • to request a repeat prescription, choose option 3

To make an appointment by telephone, to request a repeat prescription or to ask for the results of tests, we ask you to call us in the morning before 11.00 hours.

When GP practice H. Boelhouwer is closed (on Wednesday afternoon from 12.30 hours or because of vacation or in-service training), for urgent matters you can contact GP practice Thurkow, telephone: 0297 281 352 (option 1).

Emergency outside opening hours
For urgent matters outside opening hours of the practice you call Primair Huisartsenpost Leidsche Rijn (GP post), telephone: 088 130 9620

Life threatening situations
In a life threatening situation you call 112